Mēs izmantojam dažādas sīkdatnes, kas atrodamas tālāk norādītajā sarakstā. Nepieciešamās sīkdatnes ir būtiskas mūsu vietnes darbībai, tāpēc tās ir iestatītas pēc noklusējuma. Visas pārējās sīkdatnes palīdz mums veidot mūsu tiešsaistes piedāvājumu atbilstoši jūsu vajadzībām un pastāvīgi to uzlabot. Statistikas sīkdatnes palīdz mums saprast, kā apmeklētāji mijiedarbojas ar mūsu vietni, vācot informāciju anonīmi. Mārketinga sīkdatnes ļauj mums uzlabot mūsu vietnē piedāvātos produktus. Jūs varat pārvaldīt šīs sīkdatnes, noklikšķinot uz zemāk redzamās pogas. Jūs jebkurā laikā varat piekļūt iestatījumiem mūsu vietnē un tos attiecīgi mainīt.
Uzbudināti piedāvājumi 24 stundas: Katru dienu jauni piedāvājumi - ievērojami samazināti. Atklājiet ātrus piedāvājumus, dienas piedāvājumus, izdevīgus darījumus, akcijas un kuponus.
Wenn man ein Faible für SM hat, kommt man aber so was von auf seine Kosten. Da sie EXTREM FESTE ZUBEISSEN, können sie auch an anderen empfindlichen Stellen eingesetzt werden.
Wow, this is just... Yeah. Bought it for use on my wife, but didn't show it to her because it's kind of intimidating - just blindfolded her and used it. She. LOVED.
You can use this for all sorts of fun: control or leading your partner; restraint; predicament bondage; punishment, etc. If your partner isn't used to anal play, make sure to work up to this.
This is a surprisingly well constructed item for the price. No seams or sharp edges, very solid, and definitely intimidating to look at, especially if you're the one it's being used on.
Ich habe Nippelpiercings und die Gewichte kann man super damit verwenden. Das kleinste Gewicht ist auch vollkommen ok und man kann sich bei bedarf ja auch steigern. Gibt also nichts dran auzusetzen.
Inizierai dolcemente o sei già pronto per 300 spinte al minuto?
Questa macchina di fascia alta ti donerà piacere ogni volta che vorrai. Tutto quello che devi fare è assumere la posizione giusta. Quando questa potente macchina si mette al lavoro, tutto ciò che devi fare è sdraiarti e divertirti.
La Xtreme Power 2.0 produce 240 spinte al minuto. La struttura in metallo è regolabile, assicurando ad ogni utente la posizione perfetta. Questa macchina può essere controllata con i pulsanti sul telaio o sul telecomando. Puoi scegliere tra 5 diverse velocità. Il tuo partner potrebbe tenere la macchina ad esempio, il che fornirebbe un'esperienza completamente diversa e intensa.
La Macchina del Sesso Xtreme Power 2.0 g è facile da montare. Le ventose fissano saldamente la macchina a qualsiasi superficie liscia. Il che è meraviglioso, se vuoi godertela a mani libere. Sistema la macchina in qualsiasi posizione desiderata e regola il braccio, se necessario. Fissaci sopra il dildo e, se gradisci, usa del lubrificante per una sensazione confortevole. Installa il telecomando e poi collegalo. Utilizzando i pulsanti del telecomando, selezionerai rapidamente la frequenza di spinta della macchina.
finally ! this products is super good does not have such a bad smell or sting like what you buy over the counter . I use it for my down under and it makes it super smooth , Just be careful wear gloves when you paste it or use the spatula which they deliver , My fingers i had some small cut so it burned a bit on my fingers so use a glove , It is a 10 our of 10
Product came a day early. Very good quality materials and construction. A little difficult to put on initially. Feels wonderful once on. Must wear loose fitting garments while wearing the weight. MEO is one of my favorite companies!
Testé récemment , un produit assez bon dans l'ensemble .. ne sèche pas trop vite , chauffe un peu ce qui n'est pas désagréable .. la glisse est bonne , aucune odeur ni irritation .. un prix plus que raisonnable .. je vais certainement passer d'autres commandes
My Owner just got a pair of these to use on me and they are so awesome. The quality is excellent and adjustability is fabulous. He was able to snug them down perfectly to my wrists. Thanks for such a great product.