Vēlaties ielūkoties iekšpusē? Šis anālais izkliedētājs anālajai dilatācijai, ko dēvē arī par anālo spekulātu, sniedz neaizmirstamu ieskatu dziļi anālajā kanālā.
Vēlaties ielūkoties iekšpusē? Šis anālais izkliedētājs anālajai izstiepšanai, pazīstams arī kā anālais spekulums, sniedz neaizmirstamu ieskatu dziļi anālajā kanālā.
Tā garums ir 12 cm, un jūs varat ievietot nerūsējošā tērauda spekulātu dziļi savā partnerī un izstiept viņa anālo atveri: viņš noteikti vēl nekad nav bijis tik atvērts jūsu priekšā! Protams, mūsu anālais spekulants ir piemērots arī uzbudinošām ārsta un klīnikas spēlēm...
Melnais skaistulis starp anālajiem izplešanas ierīcēm: mūsu produkta izstrādātāji ir paveikuši lielisku darbu pie šī elegantā spekuluma: Grezns izskats, melna, smalka virsma un ērta lietošana.
Anālais izkliedētājs ir absolūts erotiskā pamataprīkojuma obligāts priekšmets. Tas ir ideāls instruments gan iesācējiem, gan profesionāļiem, vaginālajām vai anālajām izstiepšanas spēlēm.
Sīkāka informācija
Informācija par anālajiem izstiepējiem:
Anālais izstiepējs faktiski nāk no medicīnas jomas, bet mūsdienās to bieži izmanto kopā ar BDSM un klīnisko seksu kā lomu spēli. Anālos izkliedētājus ievieto tāpat kā anālo dildo. Turklāt anālajam izkliedētājam ir divas vai trīs lāpstiņas. Tās ir garās, noapaļotās malas, kas tiek ievietotas anāli. Anālā izkliedētāja sānu lāpstiņas var izstumt, izmantojot regulēšanas skrūvi.
Tas atver anālo atveri arvien plašāk un izstiepj anālo sfinktera muskuli. Kādi ir pieejami anālie izkliedētāji? Ir anālie izkliedētāji, kas izgatavoti no plastmasas un metāla. Metāla izkliedētāji parasti ir izgatavoti no medicīniskā nerūsējošā tērauda, tāpēc tie ir daudz kvalitatīvāki nekā plastmasas anālie izkliedētāji. Ja vēlaties biežāk veikt BDSM prakses ar anālo izkliedētāju, jums vajadzētu izvēlēties nerūsējošā tērauda anālo izkliedētāju. Tie ir nedaudz dārgāki, taču pirkums ir tā vērts. Anālajiem izkliedētājiem parasti ir divas vai trīs lāpstiņas.
Kāpēc man vajadzētu izmantot anālo izkliedētāju? Analiskos izkliedētājus var izmantot vai nu BDSM seansos anālajai izstiepšanai, vai arī, lai sagatavotu savu sfinktera muskuli anālajam dzimumaktu. Regulāra treniņa rezultātā anālās dzimumakta laikā būs mazāk sāpju. Anālais izkliedētājs var būt īpaši noderīgs iesācējiem. Alternatīvi, lai maigi trenētu savu sfinkteri, jums vajadzētu iegādāties sēžas aizbāzni.
Speculum consigliato a chi piace divertirsi
E stato molto apprezzato , la grandezza e giusta , il materiale e di ottima qualita.lo consiglio vivamente a chi piace divertirsi
Kinky World Review
Whether you’d like a speculum for medical curiosity or kink reasons, MEO.de has a huge selection of sex speculums. One of those items is the Speculum Black Berlin. Made from stainless steel, the width is variable between 1.2″ and 1.6″ with a possible spread of up to 4″. This black speculum can be used vaginally or anally, and it offers two ways to adjust the spread.
The Speculum Black Berlin comes in pretty basic packaging. It will be in a sealed plastic bag that will need to be destroyed in order to get the speculum out from the bag. Outside of that, the speculum comes with no instructions or other packaging. If you’re unfamiliar with how to use a speculum, I’d recommend doing a bit of reading online before taking it for its first trial run.
While this black speculum might look confusing, the control of it is relatively simplistic. There are two screws with bolts on them. One of the screws controls how “wide” the two pieces will go apart from each other at the end that’s furthest away from the tip. The other screw controls how far apart the two “bills” will go. You’ll most-likely want to set the former before you insert the toy then manually open the speculum with the lever and set the other screw to hold the internal widening that you’re wanting. It’s a two-point system, and it works particularly well. You’ll understand it really quickly once you have the speculum in your hands.
With a toy like this, you’re usually worried about sharp edges or badly-designed corners. There’s no reason to worry with this one. All of the edges are entirely smooth. The “duck bill” is gently sloped for a comfortable insertion, and even the undersides of the “bill” are entirely smoothed. The only part of this speculum that has any texture is the nuts and bolts for size adjustment, and those will not come in contact with the wearer’s skin.
The other concern with a speculum is about pinching. In this case, you, again, have nothing to worry about. The two “bills” of the speculum are slightly different in length. This means that when opening or allowing the speculum to close entirely, there’s no chance of internal skin getting stuck between the toy. On the external spectrum of things, there is a small screw that might touch the skin during the widening process, but there’s absolutely nothing that’s going to pinch the skin. The manufacturers ensured that all of the “clampy bits” were on the side facing away from the person being penetrated.
If you’re looking for a toy that’s going to allow you to spread your partner pretty wide (and hold it there), this is going to do exactly what you need. Once slipped into your partner, the design allows you to slightly force it open then hold the speculum at that width. Once your partner is comfortable at that width, you can easily increase the width and have it hold that. It allows for easy incremental adjustment to achieve a wider spread over time (instead of starting gung-ho from the first time!) It’s comfortable and easy to hold onto – even with lubricated hands – and it operates without pinching anyone.
Designed to be sterilized for use over and over, this speculum is made from stainless steel. The toy should be bathed in warm water and anti-bacterial soap before and after every use. For sterilization, you can boil it or use a bleach/water solution. You’ll want to regularly use a toothbrush or other cleaning brush in order to clean around the smaller areas of the nuts and bolts. You can use any type of lubricant you’d like with this speculum (though I recommend you use a lot of it!), and it can be stored any way you’d like. Just make sure that you don’t unscrew the bolts so far that they become separated from the speculum. If so, your speculum won’t hold itself open as nicely as it was designed to do.
Overall, if you want to play with a speculum, you’re going to have a harder time finding a more comfortable, affordable, and high-quality option other than the Speculum Black Berlin. It adjusts really easily, doesn’t scratch or pinch the wearer, and it just looks pretty sexy too. It’s easily to sterilize and clean, and it’s something that offers a wide variety of adjustability too. Thanks to MEO.de for sending along this stainless steel black speculum for my Speculum Black Berlin review.
Read full review: http://kinky-world.net/?p=15236
Sieht edel aus und funktioniert
Der Spreizer ist 100% sauber verarbeitet und weist keinerlei scharfe Kanten auf. Die schwarze Beschichtung erzeugt einen sehr edlen Look. Wer auf Doktor- oder Dehnspiele steht darf dieses Utensil nicht in seiner Sammlung missen!
Sehr zufrieden
Der Spreizer ist ist ein Top Spekulum und er ist sehr gut in der Handhabung. Die Einstellmöglichkeiten funktionieren einwandfrei. Das Material ist robust und der Spreizer gut verarbeitet. Es läßt sich einfach und gut reinigen.Bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Artikel und dem schnellen Versand
Works well for opening small anal holes
The high quality is exelent it works well for opening small anal holes
Two man job
If you like a little kink in your life this toy is great fun, not very good for solo fun but me and the bf enjoy playing with this on each other
Excellent product, german quality
Very useful, helped me explore all and fulfilled one of her dreams! Almost wish I were a medical examiner!!
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