SLUT vai nē, šis airis ir ideāli piemērots spēcīgiem sitieniem un atstāj paliekošu iespaidu, kad tiek sists.
SLUT vai nē, šis airis ir ideāli piemērots spēcīgiem sitieniem un atstāj paliekošu iespaidu, kad tiek sists.
Uzraksts SLUT ir iestrādāts, un tas būs skaidri redzams uz dibena, kad tas tiks spēcīgi sists. Mūsu švamme sastāv no diviem slāņiem un ar katru sitienu rada skaļu pukstošu skaņu. Pat viegli sitieni atstās skaidras pēdas.
Sīkāka informācija:
Paletta SLUT
La Paletta SLUT di MEO è una paletta utilizzata per regalare delle sonore ed efficaci sculacciate, conosciute anche come spanking. E’ una paletta doppia perché oltre a sculacciare rilascia il marchio SLUT sulla zona schiaffeggiata. Realizzata in ecopelle con la scritta SLUT che rimarrà ben impressa e stampata sulla vostra pelle ad ogni sferzata, si presenta con un aspetto decisamente fetish a forma rettangolare e piana, capace di rilasciare ogni volta delle sonore sculacciate con marchio love, per far capire chi è che comanda. E’ un oggetto molto semplice nel suo utilizzo, ma al contempo, straordinariamente eversivo.
SLUT across their ass
Both my fuck buddy's love it that love gettin spank till thear ass is red and thear branded with slut Across their ass
An ideal first paddle
The MEO Slut Paddle is part of their HURTME range of impact toys. I’d say this one was more at the beginners end of that range. In fact, this would make an ideal first paddle. It’s not too intense and the split impact surface makes a great noise with little effort.
We enjoyed using the MEO Slut Paddle, it delivered a delicious stinging blow and left rose red cheeks and a hot arse for a good while after.
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You better believe it.
Yeah. You better believe it. When you get a spanking with this paddle? You're going to feel it. I promise that if it's real tears you're looking for, this paddle delivers the goods. Or bads. Or naughties.
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