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Bondage virve

Informatīvais biļetens

Profesionālas kvalitātes verdzināšanas virve - Melna virve verdzināšanai

Ar MEO® melno bondage virvi stimulējošu sasaistīšanu var īstenot īsā laikā. Kokvilnas bondage virve ir patīkami mīksta un tāpēc piemērota arī jutīgai ādai.




    Ar augstas kvalitātes MEO® bondage virvi stimulējošu sasaistīšanu var īstenot īsā laikā. Kokvilnas bondage virve ir patīkami mīksta un tāpēc piemērota arī jutīgai ādai. Tai ir lieliska stiepes izturība, un atšķirībā no kaņepju vai džutas virvēm to nav nepieciešams atkailināt, tāpēc to var izmantot uz kailas ādas, nesaskrāpējot.

    Vēl viena MEO® bondage virvju priekšrocība ir tā, ka tās ir viegli mazgājamas. Tādējādi jūs varat ņemt savu verdzināšanas virvi uz BDSM seansu vai klubu un pēc tam to viegli notīrīt.

    Augstas kvalitātes MEO® bondage virves tiek piedāvātas klasiskās baltā, melnā, zilā un sarkanā krāsā.

    Izceltākās īpašības:


    Atļaujiet sevi sasiet ar MEO® bondage virvi saskaņā ar visiem bondage mākslas noteikumiem un izbaudiet sajūtu, ka esat pakļauts savai nežēlastībai.


    Neatkarīgi no tā, vai esat BDSM iesācējs vai bondage profesionālis - izturīgā, bet patīkami mīkstā bondage virve piedāvā daudzpusīgas iespējas stimulējošām bondage spēlēm. Pateicoties tās teksturētajai un neslīdošajai virves virvei, tā ir īpaši izturīga un labi jūtama rokās, kad to sasien. Tā ir brīvi pīta, un to var sasiet jebkurā mezglā. Šo skaisto virvi būs viegli izmantot pat iesācējiem.

    Ideāls papildinājums mūsu Bondage-Rope-Master (Bondage-Hook) - lūdzu, noklikšķiniet šeit.


    Sīkāka informācija:


    • Bondage virve ar 10 mm diametru, dažāda garuma.
    • Materiāls: kokvilna

    Tas varētu jūs arī interesēt:




    Gutes Seil. Ich hätte aber gerne einige andere Farben und Durchmesser zur Auswahl.

    • 0 no 1 klientiem atzina šo atsauksmi par noderīgu.

    Très bonne matière

    Très bonne matière, texture douce et solide. Livré dans les délais.

    • 1 no 1 klientiem atzina šo atsauksmi par noderīgu.

    Fantastica corda morbida

    Fantastica corda morbida, 10 metri è una grande lunghezza. Perfetto per il bondage Un ottimo prezzo per una qualità così buona.


      MEO Black Bondage Rope Review

      Bondage rope is a staple in just about every kinky bedroom. When the amazing folk at MEO sent me their Ropemaster Anal Hook for review they were generous enough to send me some of their Black Bondage Rope to use with it.

      The importance of good bondage rope can’t be over-estimated. Without the right type of rope submissives may suffer chaffing and cutting in from long term restraint. It’s always worth investing in a few lengths if you regularly indulge in rope bondage.

      The Correct Length

      The MEO Black Bondage Rope comes in two pre-cut lengths of 3 metres and 10 metres. 3 Metres would be a perfect length for securing ankles and wrists. Whilst a 10-metre length is great for harnesses and suspension.

      The packaging for MEO Black Bondage Rope is familiarly unfussy. MEO favour a no-nonsense approach to packaging and this is no exception, arriving in a clear plastic bag.

      Opening the bag, I found a solid wrap of black coloured rope. The dye is consistent and thorough, I can see no patchy colour as I unravel it and pass it through my hands. There is no noticeable scent, to the MEO Black Bondage Rope.

      Silky Finish

      The finish has a loosely woven silky feel. I find no pulls or snags in the lengths and it easily slides across itself as I start to tie slip knots to test it. There is a slight elasticity to the lengths as I tug on them.

      A stunning sheen covers the surface of the MEO Black Bondage Rope, it actually catches the light. The Jet-black colour is a great contrast against my pale skin.

      The rope itself is constructed of many tiny tight braids, it’s exceptionally strong and I’d have no issues using this rope for suspension.

      Easily Retrievable Ends

      Helpfully MEO have marked the ends with bright yellow antifray thread. This is such a bonus when using the ten metre lengths as locating the ends isn’t always easy and the vivid yellow is immediately noticeable.

      MEO state on their website that the Black Bondage Rope is specially made for them in Germany and from how handsome the rope is I have no trouble believing this. It feels so sleek as it runs through my hands. Although there is friction and heat there is no burn and this is impressive.

      Using MEO Black Bondage Rope

      So, what is it like to use MEO Black Bondage Rope? I found whilst being bound with it, it felt warm and soft against my skin, whilst still providing the much needed “rope bite” I look for in rope bondage. I suffered no chafing or rubbing, despite long term binding.

      The thick 10 mm circumference of the lengths makes for great weight distribution. It also allowed many passes to sit neatly alongside each other without any movement. Once knotted it stayed tight and undoing it required nothing more than a wriggle of the ropes to loosen the knots. We found no problems with tangling during use either.

      Rope Marks not Dye Streaks

      If like me, you like the marks left by rope binding then you’ll be just as pleased with the MEO Black Bondage Rope as I was. Whilst it didn’t cut or rub it did leave me with some nice rope marks on my skin as a pleasant reminder of play.

      None of the dye transferred during use, not on clothes or sheets. This is great as I’ve experienced colour bleed with ropes before once sweat and bodily fluids are introduced.

      Caring for your Rope

      As with anything used in the bedroom you’ll need to wash your MEO Black Bondage Rope lengths. I washed mine in warm soapy water and lost barely any colour even in washing. After drying the rope was as good as new and felt just as silky as when I unwrapped it.

      Read full review:

      • 2 no 2 klientiem atzina šo atsauksmi par noderīgu.

      Das Seil ist super und fühlt sich gut an

      Das Seil ist super und fühlt sich gut an. Die Dicke ist für uns ausreichend (wir haben nicht vor Suspensio-Bondage zu praktizieren) .. Alles in allem können wir das Seil empfehlen.



        Loving this i use it for fun things and the quality for it is beyond believeable overall it is quite amazing


          Does its job

          This rope is great It's a great length, so you can tie your partner to anything or just tie them up themselves. Rope feels great on the skin, too, very silky feel and no burning!

          • 1 no 1 klientiem atzina šo atsauksmi par noderīgu.

          Perfekt für Bondage

          Mein Freund und ich haben uns diese Seile mal als Einstieg in das Thema Bondage gekauft weil uns Hanfseile zu teuer waren, und wir sind wirklich sehr zufrieden mit diesem Einkauf!! Wir können das Produkt nur an alle Bondage-Freunde weiterempfehlen!!

          • 1 no 1 klientiem atzina šo atsauksmi par noderīgu.

          Tolles Material und angenehm auf der Haut

          Das Seil ist sehr schön, gut verarbeitet, von tollem Material und angenehm auf der Haut. So macht es Spaß damit zu fesseln.


            Five stars

            Good price and good quality.


              Excellent bondage rope

              After trying several types of rope, this became my go to.


                A recommander. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

                Bon produit. Corde très douce. A recommander. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


                  Je recommande

                  Produit conforme à la description
                  Excellent rapport qualité prix
                  Corde agréable à manipuler, parfaite pour une découverte en douceur

                  • 1 no 1 klientiem atzina šo atsauksmi par noderīgu.

                  Uzrakstiet savu pārskatu

                  Profesionālas kvalitātes verdzināšanas virve - Melna virve verdzināšanai

                  Profesionālas kvalitātes verdzināšanas virve - Melna virve verdzināšanai

                  Ar MEO® melno bondage virvi stimulējošu sasaistīšanu var īstenot īsā laikā. Kokvilnas bondage virve ir patīkami mīksta un tāpēc piemērota arī jutīgai ādai.

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