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Dzimumlocekļa gredzeni

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BDSM kakla gredzens ar dzelkšņiem no Dr Sado

No maiga līdz cietam: mūsu BDSM gredzenu ir viegli atvērt un aizvērt. Integrētie smaili nodrošina papildu "stimulāciju". Mūsu gredzeni tiek uzlikti, kad tie nav erekcijā.




    Devīze no maiga līdz smagam: grezns kakla gredzens (var izmantot arī kā šķīstības ierīci vai SM rotaļlietu), kas atbilst augstākajiem dizaina, ekskluzivitātes un funkcionalitātes standartiem.

    Mūsu gredzeni ir viegli atverami un aizverami. Iebūvētie dzelkšņi nodrošina papildu "stimulāciju". Mūsu gredzeni tiek uzlikti, kad tie nav erekcijā.

    Priekšrocības īsumā:

    • viegli uzvilkt, viegli noņemt
    • nav nepieciešami nekādi instrumenti, piemēram, sešstūra atslēgas
    • ātri uzliekami / ātri noņemami (pat neprofesionālam partnerim)
    • Higiēnisks, antialerģisks nerūsējošais tērauds (viegli tīrāms)
    • Precīzs izstrādājums, ražots, izmantojot CNC procesu.


    Kakla gredzeni

    Kā uzvilkt kakla gredzenu un kā izvēlēties pareizo kakla gredzena izmēru

    Lejupielādēt (1.21M)

    Tas varētu jūs arī interesēt:



    Spiky and great

    Absolutely perfect high quality product. Gives new intense feeling. Easy to use and looks and feels great.

    • 1 no 1 klientiem atzina šo atsauksmi par noderīgu.

    I love everything about this ring

    As I inspected the stainless steel ring over I couldn’t help but notice the solid six spikes firmly surrounding the circumference of the inner steel. Opening the ring up is done by releasing the clasp where there is a strong hinge positioned on the bottom of the glans ring. The outer edge of the ring has a shiny finish to the steel; there is the MEO logo to complete the ring appearance.i

    To wear the ring it has been designed to be placed on your flaccid shaft, positioned just underneath the head of your penis. While the ring doesn’t stop you from achieving an erection, the six sharp spikes will press into your shaft the firmer your erection grows where you will feel a series of sharp steel spikes firmly pressed into your shaft.Slipping the ring on is tricky but achievable as I am slightly bigger than the one inch inner diameter. Securing the clasp is relatively easy to aid in the ring fitting around my cock. I just need to be careful not to pinch any skin. I love the look of steel products on my cock and this ring does create the look that I crave with steel products. When my cock is flaccid the ring feels a delight to wear and can be worn for long periods of time. As soon as my shaft begins to go erect the spikes can very soon be felt, while I’m semi-erect the spikes do create a telling but pleasant feeling that I do enjoy the feeling as the spikes begin to push into my skin.As my erection continues to grow that is when the real feel of the spikes come into force there is no escaping the sharp prods arriving from the spikes as they do get more intense the firmer you are. That does make you feel you need to remove the ring but equally the unusual feeling of sharp instruments being pressed in to your shaft is a feeling that draws you in to carry on and experience the spiked sensations. If you do need to release yourself quickly from the ring then the clasp is very easy to undo instantly. All the times I have worn the ring the spikes have never torn my skin.The spiked ring was a new experience for myself,while the spikes do create a frightening appearance they are also deeply alluring. I love everything about this ring as the sharp spikes do offer a particular telling feeling as my erection grows. If you are looking to venture into spiked rings then this ring certainly deserves to be a part of your collection.

    Read full review:

    • 2 no 3 klientiem atzina šo atsauksmi par noderīgu.

    Anders Boberg

    A new level of pleasure!
    Using the Dr. Sado BDSM Cock Ring with Spikes I suddenly understood why pain and pleasure lie so close to one another. I even carry it 24/7 and enjoy it, often together with a cock ring. A new level of pleasure! And if you at any moment would feel it to be a little too much, it is so easy to remove.

    • 1 no 1 klientiem atzina šo atsauksmi par noderīgu.

    Sehr gute Verarbeitung und sehr schöne Qualität

    Das Produkt hält absolut, was die Beschreibung verspricht. Sehr gute Verarbeitung und sehr schöne Qualität. Optisch ebenfalls sehr ansprechend. Ich kann den Dr. Sado Cockring mit Spikes weiter empfehlen.

    • 2 no 2 klientiem atzina šo atsauksmi par noderīgu.

    Perfekt für die Keuschhaltung

    Perfekt für die "spielerische" Keuschhaltung und unterwegs ist dieser Cockring mit Stacheln. Sobald ich auch nur ansatzweise eine Erektion bekomme, werde ich "belohnt" ... ;-) Super Erfindung - bin zufrieden und kann den Cockring nur empfehlen.

    • 3 no 3 klientiem atzina šo atsauksmi par noderīgu.

    Intended ouch!!!

    I enjoy the pleasure in pain and this cock ring took me to a whole new level. Perfect add to mt tormented pleasure.

    • 1 no 1 klientiem atzina šo atsauksmi par noderīgu.

    My favorite so far

    The fit is perfect and I really like the way it looks. Another ring I have got from MEO and I have many. I like the German quality and want to have all of them for my collection. This ring is one of six that was with this last order. Great price and fastest shipping.

    • 2 no 2 klientiem atzina šo atsauksmi par noderīgu.

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    BDSM kakla gredzens ar dzelkšņiem no Dr Sado

    BDSM kakla gredzens ar dzelkšņiem no Dr Sado

    No maiga līdz cietam: mūsu BDSM gredzenu ir viegli atvērt un aizvērt. Integrētie smaili nodrošina papildu "stimulāciju". Mūsu gredzeni tiek uzlikti, kad tie nav erekcijā.

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