StretchControl™ no MEO® ir piepūšams dzimumlocekļa dilatators. Tas piedāvā nepārspējamu pieredzi urīnizvadkanāla stimulācijas (urīnizvadkanāla rotaļu) cienītājiem un garantē elpu aizraujošu kontroles zudumu.
StretchControl™ - Piepūšamais dzimumlocekļa paplašinātājs
StretchControl™ no MEO® ir piepūšams dzimumlocekļa dilatators. Tas piedāvā nepārspējamu pieredzi urīnizvadkanāla stimulācijas (Urethral Play) cienītājiem un garantē elpu aizraujošu kontroles zudumu.
Ir īpaša sajūta, kad plāns un gluds dilatators ieslīd dzimumorgānā. To var individuāli piepumpēt ar ērto sūkni, radot orgasmu izraisošu spiedienu pret urīnpūsli - elpu aizraujošām sajūtām.
Gludais, konusveida dilatatora gals atvieglo ievietošanu un nodrošina intensīvu stimulāciju. StretchControl™ iekšpusē ir dobs un ļoti elastīgs, kas ne tikai atvieglo ievietošanu, bet arī nodrošina vienmērīgu un perfektu stimulāciju katrā punktā.
Dilatatoru var piepumpēt līdz vēlamajam izmēram, aktivizējot sūkņa balonu. Iebūvētais drošības vārsts nodrošina, ka gaiss ātri izplūst un dilatators jebkurā brīdī atkal saraujas līdz sākotnējam izmēram. Tāpēc šī seksa rotaļlieta ir piemērota gan iesācējiem, gan pieredzējušiem lietotājiem. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai tiek izmantots atsevišķi vai radoši integrēts mīlēšanās procesā, StretchControl™ bagātina katru BDSM seansu.
Uretras stimulācija ir piemērota gan vīriešiem, gan sievietēm. Daudzie urīnizvadkanāli un nervi, kas atrodas urīnizvadkanālā, padara tā stiepšanu un stimulēšanu īpaši pievilcīgu.
Très bon produit pour de nouvelles sensations
Je l ai installé au fond de mon urétre et je l ai gonflé rapidement , je ressens bien la pression du ballon entre mes jambes, un vrai plaisir.
esattamente come in descrizione, usate tanto lubrificante
Inflatable Urethral Sounds Dilator
The head of the penis is filled with nerves, as is the urethra, which feel amazing when stimulated. This device is designed to both stimulate and stretch the urethra adding new sensations and training for larger sounds. Can also be used for liquid play.
Urethra stretching
This arrived last week, and has been played with 5 or 6 times. The sensation is very pleasant. I do two different things with this - one is to push it in as far as it will go (this does not get near you bladder if you are a guy) pump till you feel it, before it hurts, and then slowly pull it all the way out. The second is to push it all the way in and pump as much as you can handle. Deflate. Move it out a centimeter and pump again. Deflate again and so on until the balloon pops out of your cock. My only criticism is that balloon inflates in a very uneven way - inflated outside the urethra it bends at 90 degrees. I don't think it will do that when in the urethra but it makes me wonder about Quality Control and longevity.
Urethra stretching
This arrived last week, and has been played with 5 or 6 times. The sensation is very pleasant. I do two different things with this - one is to push it in as far as it will go (this does not get near you bladder if you are a guy) pump till you feel it, before it hurts, and then slowly pull it all the way out. The second is to push it all the way in and pump as much as you can handle. Deflate. Move it out a centimeter and pump again. Deflate again and so on until the balloon pops out of your cock. My only criticism is that balloon inflates in a very uneven way - inflated outside the urethra it bends at 90 degrees. I don't think it will do that when in the urethra but it makes me wonder about Quality Control and longevity.
59,99 €
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